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Imperial County: Desert Farming

Imperial County is located on the southern border of California and is known for its dry, desert-like climate. Despite its harsh environment, Imperial County has become a hub for agriculture and is home to a thriving farming industry. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), a large portion of Imperial County's farming industry was dedicated to raising wheat in 2021.

This is not surprising, as wheat is known for its low water use and ability to thrive in arid climates. The Imperial Valley, which is the primary agricultural area in the county, is dependent on the Colorado River for its water supply. This river provides the irrigation water that is critical to the growth and success of the crops in the region.

The Colorado River is the source of the irrigation water that sustains the farming industry in Imperial County. The 80-mile long All-American Canal delivers water to the southeast corner of the valley, and an estimated 2.8 to 3.0 million acre-feet of water are used each year to grow the crops and livestock that feed the nation. The irrigation water is delivered through 16,000 miles of canals managed by the Imperial Irrigation District (IID), and most of the water is delivered by gravity due to the valley's slight tilt to the north.

The cost of water delivery to the farmer's headgate is $20.00 per acre-foot (326,000 gallons), and the soils in the region consist of very fertile, alluvial deposits from the Colorado River flood plain. These soils can be as deep as a mile in some areas, providing ideal conditions for growing crops.

Despite its harsh and arid environment, Imperial County is home to a thriving farming industry that provides food for the nation. The county's dependence on the Colorado River for its water supply and the fertile soils in the region make it an ideal location for agriculture. The use of low water-use crops, such as wheat, and the careful management of the water supply by the IID ensure the continued success of the farming industry in Imperial County.


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